Kindly no violence.....
Blameworthy violence beware that leave.
Gone are the familiar kindness greatness kicks him.
He receives for the Uncut
Felicitation to esophagi injection Slash his tongue ....
It sentences the same fine qualities.
Hunt took him the same kindness logo
Phil live up to God and to fear of violence
Nelson to love God and to his patients
This created a messenger of God forbade him
Baa has been treated intensity did not respond, but the qualities nobly
Tossed in his presentation, is overwhelmed under compassion
be cruelty met him chances to picnic under the armpits you kindly for tracking his Saunas
Enough to take a pride in his footsteps
This Mohammad loving his nation
And his Saunas
It is the measure of our finest
# Literature-Engineer Aymen
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