A young soul......
A young soul in my ageing body plays, Though times sharp blades my weary visage raze.
Hard biter in a toothless mouth is she, The will may wane, but she a winner stays.
Spare me to win glorys forbidden prize, Glory in hardship, sloth in comfort lies.
Menonce is not with cheap comfort bought, Hear the honey gateerrs bee-stung cries
No indolent dreaming dawdler am I, Nor am content, while riches I descry
A young soul .........
Lifes heaving tides of woe shall spare me not, Unless I, its unblocked courses defy
Softly do town girls their faces adorn, But Bed are from garish colors shorn.
Town beauty is with pampered softness sought, The Bed are with unsought beauty born.
Grave harm have lovers to themselves done, Loving, ere understanding life begun.
They, with witherred and wasted souls, After vile, though pretty-faced creatures run.
Beautyfull women, as experienced men know, Are but darkness wrapped in dazzling light aglow.
A life of Fri.loss youth and worried age, Its futile course to futile death will flow
When my hands from brimming cups weakly shook, I awoke, ere sense my wined mind forsook.
A young soul..........
Shunning choice wines, as rich as purest gold, I, of spring showers sillray draught partook.
Secrets I keep no companion can discern, Nor to it can wine its potent way burn.
Soft women I have for an hour, and then, Deserts I roam, never more to return.
Courage to reason second place must take, For velour should not balanced judgment shake.
But if both in a hard soul united are, Then Glorys realms their own demesne shall make.
Defiantly live, or in honor die, Midst slashing blades and banners flapping high
Rage is best dispatched by lances points, and Spearing spiteful chests shall their spite deny.
Face with cool, carefree calm lifes careworn climes, As long as your soul with its body chimes.
Your joys of yore have passed beyond recall, And sadness can summon not bygone times.
A chargers saddle is an exalted throne, The best companions are books alone.
Without hardship everyone would prevail, The generous are poor, and courage kills its own.
A young soul........
Ones ill-conduct brooding mistrust will breed, For dark thoughts on darker suspicions feed.
Islandring friends with what foes have slandered one, Thus in black nights of doubt ones life will lead.
Fieray rashness may as velour be seen, And nervous anger may cowardice mean.
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